Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday, September 29

ELA B30: Finished Reading Logs for Hamlet Act I and handed in (those who did not finish - please hand in ASAP). Worked on Sentence Fluency booklet in preparation for writing a letter to Hamlet - we'll finish tomorrow and write the letter. Reminder that your "Identity Formation" paragraphs are due tomorrow - please remember to do the self-evaluation on the rubric.

ELA 9: Continued working on your narrative paragraphs - completed brainstorm and outline and showed me. Your rough draft will need to be finished by the end of class tomorrow.

ELA A10: Discussed "The Feeling of Power" summarizing activity and questions. Reminder that those who are re-doing the graphic organizer have until Thursday to hand it in. Worked on a Sentence Fluency booklet - we'll finish on Thursday. Reminder that tomorrow The Chrysalids Chapters 4 and 5 are due.

CE 8: Continued presenting the Pentecost skits. There is one more group that needs to present - they will do so once all of their group members are at school. Handed in 1.1 Information booklet.  Started 1.1 Application booklet - did the first page together, then started working on the "Where Can I Expect to Find God?" activity individually or in partners. Make sure to bring your Bibles for next class.

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