Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday, April 29

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapters XXV and XXVI. Handed back Confederation Simulation evaluations. Did notes and an activity on the British North America Act of 1867. Read the poem "I am a Canadian" and made a chart of the different types of landscapes featured in the poem. Next week (probably Tuesday) I will be assigning your major Research Essay, which will count for both History and ELA. Start thinking about a Canadian history topic that might interest you.

Drama 20: We only had one Theatre History Project presentation today, so the rest of the class was just individual work time. We'll continue with the presentations on Tuesday.

ELA 20: Handed in the Themes assignment for I Am Hutterite, which completes our study of it. Introduced the Family History Inquiry and Personal Essay assignment - please have your proposal ready for Monday, which will be a work class. On Tuesday we will be going to the library to choose an autobiography or memoir for your Independent Study, so start thinking about who you might like to read about.

ELA B10: Continued researching for your Problem-Solution Essay.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday, April 28

Career Ed 8: Careers for Life - continued working on Unit 2, Section 1. You'll need to finish it next class so that you can start working on your collage.

ELA 20: I Am Hutterite - Dramatic Reading Presentations. Your Themes assignment is due tomorrow.

CE 10: Continued working on Jesus of History, Christ of Faith Chapter 5. Please finish it for Monday. On Monday, we will correct it together and hand it in, then work on a collage to represent your learning of the five chapters from the text. Next Friday we will start watching the film The Count of Monte Cristo as part of Catholic Education Week and the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

ELA B10: Handed out the Independent Novel Study assignment and then went down to the library to speed date and choose novels. Tomorrow you'll continue researching for your Problem-Solution Essay.

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Went down to the library to speed date and choose novels for your Canadian Literature Independent Novel Study.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 27

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XXIV. Finished the Confederation Simulation and handed in the worksheets. Discussed the Independent Novel Study assignment for Canadian Literature - we'll be going to the library tomorrow to choose novels.

Drama 20: Theatre History Project - first two presentations. Two more on Friday, and the last two on Tuesday.

ELA 20: I Am Hutterite - last work period for the Dramatic Reading and/or Themes assignment. Dramatic Reading presentations are tomorrow, and the Themes assignment is due on Friday.

ELA B10: Problem-Solution Essay - began researching. Tomorrow we'll be in the library to begin your Independent Novel Study.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, April 26

Career Ed 8: Continued working on Unit 2, Section 1 about your interests, skills, etc. When you finish this section, you'll be making a collage about yourself. More work time next class.

ELA 20: I Am Hutterite - continued preparing Dramatic Reading.  All of the groups asked to present on Thursday, so tomorrow will be a work class for either that or the Themes assignment, which is due on Friday.

CE 10: Jesus of History, Christ of Faith: Handed back Chapter 3, Part 2 and Chapter 4.  Started working on Chapter 5, which is the last chapter of this textbook we'll be looking at. More work time next class.

ELA B10: Problem-Solution Essay: discussed the research/notetaking booklet and did the paraphrasing exercise. Tomorrow you will begin researching.

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XXIII. Confederation Simulation - started presenting Final Proposals. We'll finish tomorrow and vote on the bill.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, April 25

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson - handed out an evaluation for Book One. Read Book Two, Chapter XXII. Confederation Simulation - finished preparing Final Proposals - you'll present them tomorrow.

Drama 20: Last work period for you Theatre History Project. Presentations will start on Wednesday.  Please have everything ready before class on your presentation date so that we don't waste any time.

ELA 20: Handed back Childhood video questions, Childhood paragraphs, and Travel reflections. I Am Hutterite - continued working on Dramatic Reading assignment. Presentations will be either Wednesday or Thursday. The Themes assignment will be due on Friday - you'll get some class time later in the week to work on it.

ELA B10: Handed back "The Fan Club" and "Youth Criminal Justice Act" assignments. Started discussing the Problem-Solution Essay assignment booklet and the booklet on researching/notetaking. Please have your assigned section summarized and ready to share for tomorrow.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Thursday, April 21

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Ch XVIII and XIX. Confederation Simulation: continued working on Final Proposals.

Drama 20: Theatre History Project. You have one more work class on Monday, and then we'll start presentations on Wednesday.

ELA 20: Handed back the Self-Evaluations and assembled Literacy Portfolios for Parent-Teacher Interviews tonight. Worked on the Dramatic Reading assignment for I Am Hutterite. Remember that your Childhood paragraphs and Travel reflections are due tomorrow.

ELA B10: Finished the activities with the Youth Criminal Justice Act and handed in the assignment.

Friday, April 22

Career Ed 8: No class due to the Celebration of Creation.

ELA 20: Handed in completed Childhood paragraphs and travel reflections. Continued working on the Dramatic Reading assignment for I Am Hutterite. You'll have more time on Monday.

CE 10: Jesus of History, Christ of Faith: Chapter 4 group presentations. Make sure to mark your quizzes and hand them back to each other.  Staple all of the quizzes that you wrote (including your own) together and hand them in.

ELA B10: Silent reading class for Bookworm Spirit Week.

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapters XX and XXI (the end of Book One). Silent reading time for Bookworm Spirit Week.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday, April 21

Career Ed 8: Unit 2: Discussed the Discovery activity and the Unit 2 Story. Worked on Section 1 - everyone completed the Interests section, and some started working on the Skills section. We miss our class on Friday for the celebration, so we'll continue next week.

ELA 20: I Am Hutterite - Homework checked and discussed Chapter 11 Questions. Read the Epilogue together and discussed. Started discussing the Dramatic Reading final project. Don't forget about the Themes assignment as well.  Also, your childhood paragraphs and travel reflections should be in by Friday.

CE 10: Last work class for the Jesus of History, Christ of Faith Chapter 4 group presentations. Presentations on Friday.

ELA B10: Continued discussed the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and started discussing incidents in small groups. You'll share your incidents with the class tomorrow.

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XVII. Confederation Simulation: Continued working on Final Proposals. More tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday, April 19

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Ch. XVI. Confederation Simulation: Preliminary Proposal Presentations. Started working on/negotiating Final Proposals.

Drama 20: Theatre History Project. We set the due date for Wednesday, April 27th, which means that you have two work periods left.

ELA 20: Worked on final drafts of your childhood paragraphs. Those who did not hand them in during class, please do so ASAP. Also, remember that your travel reflection is due on Friday. Tomorrow we will discuss Chapter 11 of I Am Hutterite.

ELA B10: Handed back the Creative Writing Assignment for The Hunger Games.  Started reading and discussing information about the Youth Criminal Justice Act - we'll continue tomorrow.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday, April 18

Career Ed 8: Handed back the remaining Health assignments - we are now finished Health for the year. Started Career Education using the textbook Careers for Life. Unit 2: Who Am I? Read the Unit Overview together. Worked on the Discovery activity on page 31, as well as reading the Unit 2 Story of pages 32-33 and answered the questions.  We will discuss both activities next class.

ELA 20: Those who had been absent Friday handed in the rough drafts of their childhood paragraphs - tomorrow you will revise and type out your find draft. I Am Hutterite - discussed Chapter 10. Chapter 11 (the last chapter!) for Wednesday. We are almost finished the book, so don't forget about the Themes assignment - it will be due sometime next week. There will also be a group assignment that we will discuss later this week.  A reminder also that your Travel paragraph is due on Friday.

CE 10: Continued working on the Chapter 4 group presentation.  You'll have Wednesday's class to finish preparing, and then present on Friday.

ELA B10: Handed back The Hunger Games debate evaluations. Handed in The Hunger Games Creative Writing Assignment and "The Fan Club" assignment. Read the poem "Select Samaritan" together and discussed. Tomorrow we will begin looking at the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson: Chapter XV. Confederation Simulation: Last work period for the Preliminary Proposal Presentations - you'll present tomorrow.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday, April 15

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XIV (second half). Confederation Simulation: continued researching colonies and started preparing Preliminary Proposals (5 minute presentation including a visual component). Preliminary Proposals will be on Tuesday - you'll have some time during Monday's class to finish preparing.

Drama 20: Theatre History Project.

ELA 20: Discussed the Sentence Fluency booklet. Finished off the rough draft of your paragraphs about childhood and handed in for formative assessment. Also handed in the questions from the video on the history of childhood. Those who finished had time to work on Chapter 10 of I Am Hutterite, which is due on Monday.

ELA B10: Finished the assignment with the short story "The Fan Club" and handed in. Remember that your Creative Writing Assignment for The Hunger Games is due on Monday if it is not already finished.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, April 14

Health 8: Finished the Violence and Abuse booklet, discussed and handed in. Did a review activity (poster) of what we have learned in health this year. On Monday we will be starting Career Ed.

ELA 20: I Am Hutterite - discussed Chapter 9. Chapter 10 is due on Monday. Tomorrow we will be going through the Sentence Fluency booklet together and then finishing off the rough copies of your Childhood paragraphs to be submitted for feedback. A reminder that your travel reflection/paragraph is due next Friday.

ELA B10: The Hunger Games - handed in debate form. Creative Writing Assignment is due Monday. Started a new section of our Equity and Ethics unit called "Rights and Responsibilities" by reading individually the short story "The Fan Club" and working on the assignment (elements of a short story, quotes, vocabulary). You'll have tomorrow's class to finish it, and whatever time you have left will be silent reading.

History 30/ELA A30: Two Current Events. Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XIV (first half). Tomorrow we will continue working on your colonies research for the Confederation Simulation.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapters XII and XIII. Confederation Simulation: group presentations about Conferences leading up to Confederation. Split into colony groups and began reading/researching. More research time tomorrow.

Drama 20: Theatre History Project.

ELA 20: Handed in Self-Assessment. Work period for I Am Hutterite Chapter 9 (due tomorrow) or Sentence Fluency booklet (due Friday).

ELA B10: The Hunger Games: handed out the evaluation sheet for the Creative Writing assignment. Had our debate - please have your role sheet and self-evaluation done for tomorrow. Great job!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday, April 12

Health 8: Continued working on the Violence and Abuse booklet. We will finish and discuss it next class (our last Health class!).

ELA 20: Handed in Writing Notebooks. Work class to finish the Self-Assessment and work on the Sentence Fluency booklet. Here's the plan for the rest of the week: Wednesday (tomorrow): hand in Self-Assessment if not already done, work period for Sentence Fluency booklet or I Am Hutterite Chapter 9. Thursday: I Am Hutterite - discuss Chapter 9, assign Chapter 10 for Monday. Friday: discuss Sentence Fluency booklet, finish editing Childhood paragraph and hand in for Teacher Formative Assessment.

CE 10: Jesus of History, Christ of Faith - discussed Chapter 3, Part 1 and handed in. Worked on Part 2 - please have it done for next class.

ELA B10: The Hunger Games - worked on the Creative Writing Assignment - it is now for homework and due on Monday. I will have the rubric ready for you tomorrow.

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Chapters X and XI. We only had ten minutes left, so the Conference groups finished preparing their presentations, which we'll do tomorrow.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, April 11

History 30/ELA A30: Handed in Literacy Portfolios. Sgt. John Wilson Chapter IX. Discussed reasons for Confederation. Started a short group research assignment on the three conferences leading to Confederation (Charlottetown, Quebec, London) - you'll finish and present tomorrow.

Drama 20: Continued working on Theatre History project.

ELA 20: Welcome back! Worked on the Self-Assessment for the Literacy Portfolio - it is due on Monday. Chapter 9 of I Am Hutterite will be due on Thursday. Tomorrow will be a work class to finish the Self-Assessment and work on the Sentence Fluency booklet/Childhood paragraph - we will set a due date for the booklet tomorrow.

ELA B10: The Hunger Games - Since not everyone was here, we postponed the debate until tomorrow. Instead, we started working on a Creative Writing assignment for the novel.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday, April 8

Health 8: Handed back Unit 4/5 Take-Home Exams. Continued working on the Violence and Abuse booklet. You'll finish it next class.

CE 10: Jesus of History, Christ of Faith - handed back Chapter 2 assignment. Continued working on Chapter 3, Part 1 - we will correct it together on Tuesday. Some started working on Part 2.

ELA B10: Last period to prep for the Hunger Games debate on Monday. Remember that your Literacy Portfolio is due on Monday.

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapters VII and VIII. Finished Reasons for Confederation - we'll discuss on Monday. Literacy Portfolio is also due on Monday.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday, April 7

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Chapters V and VI. Last work period for Literacy Portfolio (due Monday). Started History Unit II: The Nineteenth Century - The Road to Democracy. Started looking at reasons for Confederation (reading an information booklet and filling in a web). You'll have time to finish tomorrow, and if you're done early you will have extra time to work on your Portfolio.

Drama 20: Continued researching for Theatre History Project.

ELA B10: Debate prep. Tomorrow will be another prep class and the debate will be on Monday. Remember that your Literacy Portfolio is also due on Monday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday, April 6

Health 8: Continued working on the Violence and Abuse booklet. More next class.

CE 10: Continued Chapter 3, Part 1. You'll finish next class and start Part 2.

ELA B10: The Hunger Games - handed back Fictionalized Journal assignment - well done! Discussed equity and ethics in the novel, then started discussing having a debate. You'll start preparing in your groups tomorrow. Remember that your Literacy Portfolio is due on Monday.

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Chapters III and IV. Work time for Literacy Portfolio. Tomorrow you'll get have of the class time to work on your Portfolio (due Monday) and then we will start the next History unit.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday, April 5

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Read Book One, Chapters I and II of The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson. Also decided to start a blog instead of using Socrative. Discuss the Provincial election and handed in the research booklet. The rest of the time was work time for your Literacy Portfolio, which is due on Monday. Tomorrow will be another work class.

Drama 20: Handed back assignments from the Speech unit. Started the Theatre History Research Project - explained, chose topics, started research.

ELA B10: Work period for Literacy Portfolio (due Monday).

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday, April 4

Health 8: Looked at everyone's STI projects to finish off the Sexuality/STI Take-Home Exam and handed in. Those who finished early started working on the booklet for our last Health unit on Violence and Abuse - we'll continue next class. We only have two more weeks of Health, so those who have missing assignments need to get them in ASAP.

CE 10: Finished the Gospel presentations, then finished off the booklet on Chapter 2 and handed in. Started working on Part 1 of Chapter 3 (The Historical World of Jesus) - we'll continue next class.

ELA B10: Handed back Montgomery Bus Boycott assignment. Handed in The Hunger Games Fictionalized Journal. Work period for Term 3 Literacy Portfolio, which is due on Monday. Tomorrow will be another work period.

History 30/ELA A30: Handed back Editorials. Read the Prologue of The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson and started using the Secretive website. Tomorrow we will discuss the provincial election (and hand in the booklet) and work on your Term 3 Literacy Portfolio, which is due on Monday.