Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday, June 22

Career Ed 8: Finished the section on Change and handed in. On Friday, you will be with Mr. C since I  am with Senior exams. Have a great summer!

ELA 20: Last work period for the Literacy Portfolio. I will see you on Friday for the Final Exam!

CE 10: Finished Marie River assignment and handed in.

ELA B10: Finished Literacy Portfolio and handed in. Final Exam on Monday!

History 30/ELA A30: Finished the last Current Event. Handed in Literacy Portfolios. Studied for exams. English Final on Friday, History on Monday!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tuesday, June 21

History 30/ELA A30: Handed back Business Meeting evaluations. Finished all Current Events except one, which we'll do tomorrow. Worked on Literacy Portfolio (which is due tomorrow by the end of the day) and/or studied for finals.

Drama 20: Last class to rehearse your Collective Creation - you'll present it on Thursday at Final Assembly.  You guys did great work - I'm looking forward to seeing you perform it for the school! Remember to hand in your Journal assignment by tomorrow (Wednesday)!

ELA 20: Work time for Literacy Portfolio - due tomorrow by the end of the day!

ELA B10: Work time for Literacy Portfolio - due tomorrow by the end of the day!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday, June 20

Career Ed 8: Handed in Unit 2, Section 3 booklets. Finished the Job Interview skits. Worked on the Unit on Change in the textbook. Wednesday is our last class - you will work on that unit and at the end of the class you will hand in whatever you've done.

ELA 20: Handed back Autobiography presentation evaluations and Macbeth Literary Analysis essays. Finished updating Literature Anthology. Started working on Literacy Portfolios - you'll have tomorrow and Wednesdays classes to work on it, and then hand it in on Wednesday.

CE 10: No class due to your Art field trip. On Wednesday, you'll have your last class to finish your Marie Rivier assignment and hand in. Remember to hand in your Service Hours if you have not already done so.

ELA B10: Handed back assignments. Worked on Literacy Portfolio/studying for finals. Literacy Portfolio is due on Wednesday by the end of the day.

History 30/ELA A30: Work time for Literacy Portfolio (due Wednesday at the end of the day).

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday, June 17

History 30/ELA A30: Had our Canadian Literature Bookstore Business Meeting (with KITTENS!). An epic time was had by all (except perhaps the kittens). Also, here's your ELA Final Exam Outline:

1. Reading Comprehension
2. Viewing - Respond to an Image
3. Writing Skills - Colons and Semicolons
4. Essay (Literature-based)

Remember that your Literacy Portfolio needs to be handed in by Wednesday!

Drama 20: Continued working on Collective Creation. One class left! Don't forget about your Journal!

ELA 20: Macbeth Literary Analysis Essay due. Finished Autobiography Presentations. Read the poem "Moving On". Next week you'll be doing your Literacy Portfolio. Here is your Final Exam Outline:

1. Reading Comprehension
2. Viewing - Respond to an Image
3. Writing Skills - Sentence Fluency
4. Essay (Literature-based)

ELA B10: Independent Novel Study due. Handed back The Merchant of Venice film exit slips and finished the Themes presentations. Read the poem "All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace". Next week you'll be finishing your Literacy Portfolio. Here is your Final Exam Outline:

1. Reading Comprehension
2. Viewing - Respond to an Image
3. Writing Skills - Punctuation (Commas, Colons, Semicolons), Essay Writing (Paraphrasing, Thesis Statements, In-text Citations, Bibliography)
4. Essay (Literature-based)

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thursday, June 16

Career Ed 8: Continued working on Job Interview skits and then starting the unit on Change. Remember to hand in your Unit 2, Section 3 booklet.

ELA 20: No class due to your retreat. Remember that your Macbeth Literary Analysis Essay is due tomorrow, and we will also be finishing the Autobiography presentations.

CE 10: Work period for the Marie Rivier assignment. You'll miss Monday's class because you'll be gone to the Arts Centre, so you'll have Wednesday's class to finish it and hand it in.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - continued with Themes presentations and finished the film (handed in exit slip). We'll finish the presentations tomorrow.

History 30/ELA A30: No class due to your retreat. Remember that tomorrow is our Business Meeting!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday, June 15

History 30/ELA A30: Finished sharing Research Essays. Current Event. Prepped the agenda for the Business Meeting on Friday. Finished the History PowerPoint and discussed the Final Exam Study Guide. Tomorrow you miss class for your retreat, so our next class will be the Business Meeting on Friday. Don't forget to bring your posters! Also, don't forget about your Literacy Portfolio - it needs to be handed in by the end of the day on Wednesday.

Drama 20: Continued working on Collective Creation. 2 classes left. Don't forget about the Journal!

ELA 20: Continued with Autobiography presentations and working on Macbeth Literary Analysis Essays. Tomorrow you'll be gone on your retreat, so Friday your essay is due and we'll finish the presentations.

ELA B10: Continued with The Merchant of Venice Themes Presentations and watching the film.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday, June 14

Career Ed 8: Finished the "Other Skills" presentations. Continued working on Job Interview skits - you can present to the class or just to me. When you're done that, you'll work on the sections about "Change" in the textbook.

ELA 20: Handed in Writing Notebooks. A couple of people presented their Autobiographies - presentations continue throughout the week. The rest of the class was work time for your Macbeth Literary Analysis Essay - due Friday.

CE 10: Finished the Parables presentations. Continued working on the Marie Rivier assignment. Remember to hand in your Service Hours before the end of classes.

ELA B10: Handed in Writing Notebooks. The Merchant of Venice - continued with Themes presentations and watching the film.

History 30/ELA A30: Handed in Writing Notebooks. Current Event. Handed back Research Essays and shared with the class.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday, June 13

History 30/ELA A30: The first period was a work class to prepare for the Business Meeting on Friday (Independent Novel Study). Then we discussed the essay "Pardon Me, I'm Canadian". Discussed Newfoundland entering Confederation and read the essay "The Day I Became a Canadian" and discussed.

Drama 20: No class due to your field trip to the Arts Centre. Three classes left!

ELA 20: Discussed the Autobiography presentations - decided to just to the first part (introducing a speaker) and drop the second part (visual/multimedia). Presentations start tomorrow. Work time for that or your Macbeth Literary Analysis Essay, which is due on Friday.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - started Themes presentations - they will continue throughout the week (remember which date you signed up for!). Then started watching the film. Reminder that your Independent Novel Study is due on Friday.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday, June 10

Career Ed 8: No class today due to track.

ELA 20: Finished watching the Macbeth film and handed in the exit slip. Worked on the Literary Analysis essay, which we decided will be due next Friday, June 17th.

CE 10: Handed back Newspaper Projects. Parables presentations. Started the Marie River assignment, which will be the last assignment for the year.

ELA B10: Handed back Problem-Solution Essays and reviewed citing and bibliography formatting. Signed up for The Merchant of Venice Themes Oral Presentations next week, then had work time. On Monday we will start watching the film.

History 30/ELA A30: Handed in Research Essays. 2 Current Events. Read the essay "Pardon Me, I'm Canadian" and answered questions - we'll discuss on Monday. On Monday, the first period will be work time to prepare for the Canadian Novel Study Business Meeting, which will be next Friday.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday, June 9

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. The first class was a work period for your Research Essay, which is due tomorrow. In the second period we continued with the PowerPoint about the Great Depression and World War II. Please remember to bring your red literature duotang for tomorrow.

Drama 20: Continued working on Collective Creation. 3 classes left!

ELA 20: Continued watching the Macbeth film. We'll finish it tomorrow and then work on your Literary Analysis Essay.

ELA B10: Discussed the themes of The Merchant of Venice and handed out the assignment for the oral presentation - you'll sign up tomorrow for a presentation date next week. Tomorrow will be a work class, and then on Monday we will start watching the film.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday, June 8

Career Ed 8: Some of the groups presented their skills skits & activities - those who didn't will do so next class, which will be on Tuesday (you'll be gone to track on Friday). The rest of the class was either work time for those presentations for those who haven't gone yet, and those who are finished started working in pairs on interview skits of your dream job.

ELA 20: Continued watching Macbeth film.

CE 10: Worked on Parables presentations. You'll present on Friday.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - finished the play. Tomorrow we'll talk about your final assignment for the play and watching the film.

History 30/ELA A30: Reviewed World War I and watching the video on Vimy Ridge. Started looking at the Great Depression and Discontent on the Prairies. Also discussed the business meeting for your Canadian Novel Study, which will take place on Friday, June 17th. Tomorrow the first period will be a work class (your Research Essay is due on Friday) and the second class we will continue with the Great Depression.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday, June 7

History 30/ELA A30: The first period was a work class for your Research Essays, which are due on Friday. Handed back Provincial Landscapes Inquiry Quilts. Did most of the notes on Canada in World War I - we'll watch the video on Vimy Ridge tomorrow.

Drama 20: Continued working on Collective Creation. Also handed out the Journal assignment for this unit.

ELA 20: Started watching the Macbeth film, with which there is a short response sheet to fill out. Also signed up for presentations next week for your Autobiography assignment.

ELA B10: Handed in Problem-Solution Essays. The Merchant of Venice Act IV, Scene i (we didn't quite finish it - we'll do so tomorrow).

Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday, June 6

Attention all Seniors: Please remember that any assignments that were due on or before May 31st must be handed in by this Friday, June 10th. They will not be accepted after that!

Career Ed 8: Continued working on skills presentations. We'll start presentations next class.

ELA 20: Macbeth - discussed themes and started working on the Literary Analysis Essay. Tomorrow we will start watching the film.

CE 10: Shared newspapers and handed in. Started the next unit on "The Mission of Jesus". Discussed the Kingdom of God and looked at the Bible passages that describe it. Started talking about one of Jesus' main ways of teachings about the Kingdom of God, which is parables. We read the parable of the Good Samaritan together and discussed. Handed out the assignment for teaching a parable to the class in partners. You'll prepare it on Wednesday and present it on Friday.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - Character Committee presentations. The rest of the class was work time for the Problem-Solution Essay, which is due tomorrow.

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Shared Provincial Landscapes Inquiry Quilts and handed in. Tomorrow the first class will be a work period for either your Research Essay (due on Friday) or your Independent Novel Study, and then we will look at Canada in World War I.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Friday, June 3

History 30/ELA A30: Handed in Unit II Final Assessments. Continued working on Provincial Landscapes Inquiry Quilt - on Monday you'll share and hand them in. Remember that your Research Essay is due next Friday, June 10th. Also, Current Events for the remaining people will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Drama 20: Finished the Contextual Unit with monologues and a reflection. Start working on Collective Creation - brainstorming ideas.

ELA 20: Handed in Family History Inquiry & Personal Essay. Macbeth - Finished Act V and worked on completing the Reading Log. Monday and Tuesday will be work time for your Literary Analysis Essay and then on Wednesday we will start watching the movie.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - worked on Character Committee presentations. You'll present on Monday.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thursday, June 2

Career Ed 8: Group presentations on Employability Skills 2000+. Next class you'll continue working on the presentations about the other skills.

ELA 20: Finished a couple of oral presentations. Macbeth Act V, Scenes iv, v, and vi. We will finish the last three scenes tomorrow. Remember that your Family History Inquiry and Personal Essay is due tomorrow.

CE 10: Last work period for the Newspaper Project. You'll share your newspapers on Monday.

ELA B10: Work period for your Problem-Solution Essay, which is due on Tuesday.

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Handed back "The Painted Door" assignment and Sgt. John Wilson Blog Posts evaluations. Started working on a Provincial Landscape Inquiry Quilt - you'll finish it tomorrow. Remember that your Research Essay is due next Friday, June 10th.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday, June 1

History 30/ELA A30: Finished the assignment on "The Painted Door" and handed in. The rest of the two periods were work time for assignments. Remember that your Unit II Assessment is due on Friday.

Drama 20: Contextual - wrote eulogies for deceased loved ones and shared with the group. Started working on writing a monologue, which is the last activity in role. You'll present your monologues next class.

ELA 20: Macbeth - Act V, Scenes i, ii, and iii. Remember that your Family History Inquiry & Personal Essay is due on Friday.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - Act III, Scene v. The rest of the period was work time for your Problem-Solution Essay. Tomorrow will also be a work class.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday, May 31

Career Ed 8: Since a bunch of people were missing, we decided to leave the group presentations of Employability Skills 2000+ until next class. Instead, we started working on group presentations for the rest of the skills in Section 3. Your group needs to create a skit of a work situation to demonstrate both a positive and negative example of the skill, and create an activity for the class to do to assess and/or practice their own abilities of that skill. You'll continue working on it next class.

ELA 20: Macbeth - Act IV, Scene ii and iii. Remember that your Family History Inquiry and Personal Essay is due on Friday.

CE 10: Work class for the Newspaper Project. You'll have one more class on Thursday and it is due on Monday.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - Act III, Scenes iii and iv. We decided that Thursday will be a work class for your Problem-Solution Essay, which is due one week from today.

History 30/ELA A30: Finished reading The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson. Continued working on "The Painted Door". Tomorrow you will finish "The Painted Door" and then have work time for your assignments (Unit Two Assessment, Research Essay, Canadian Novel Study).

Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday, May 30

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapters XLVI-XLVII. We will finish the book tomorrow. Started the Unit III PowerPoint about the 19th Century (voting rights, suffragettes, creation of Alberta and Saskatchewan). Started reading the short story "The Painted Door" individually. You'll get more time tomorrow to read and work on the assignment sheet. Remember that you Unit II Assessment is due on Friday.

Drama 20: No class due to the track meet.

ELA 20: Macbeth - Character Committee presentations (2 out of 3). Work time for your Family History Inquiry and Personal Essay - due Friday.

ELA B10: No class due to the track meet.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday, May 27

Career Ed 8: No class due to the Marie Rivier Beatification Mass.

ELA 20: Macbeth - Since several people were missing, we spent part of the period working on the Character Committees, but we will present them on Monday. Did Act IV, Scene i.

CE 10: Continued working on the Newspaper Project. You'll get two more work periods next week, and the due date is the following Monday, June 6th.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - Act III, Scene ii.

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XLV. Work time for Unit II Assessment (due next Friday).

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday, May 26

History 30/ELA A30: Unit II, Part 2 (The West) Quiz. Work time for Unit II Final Assessment, which will be due next Friday (you'll have a little more work time tomorrow). Also decided on a due date for the Research Essay - Friday, June 10th. Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XLIII-XLIV.

Drama 20: Contextual - finished prepping and presented refugees research. Created group tableaux about groups who are left behind and the impact of the situation on them.

ELA 20: Macbeth - Worked on Character Committees. Those groups who are able will present tomorrow.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - Act III, Scene i. Remember to show me your Character Web ASAP if you haven't already done so.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25

Career Ed 8: Continued preparing group presentations of Employability Skills.  We will miss our class on Friday for mass, so you'll present next Tuesday.

ELA 20: Macbeth - Act III, Scenes v and vi. Started working on Character Committees in groups - we'll continue tomorrow.

CE 10: Continued working on the Newspaper Project.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - Act II, Scene ix.  We've seen all of the important characters now, so please finish your Character Web and show me ASAP.

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XLII. Reviewed for your Quiz on The West tomorrow. You'll also get some work time for your Unit Final Assessment.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday, May 20

Career Ed 8: Handed back Unit 2, Section 2 booklets. Continued working in Section 3, pages 64-66 (Transferable Skills). Worked in groups to create a presentation about the three different categories of Employability Skills - we'll continue next class.

ELA 20: Macbeth - Act III, Scene iv. On Tuesday, I will be away, so you will have a work class for whichever ELA assignment(s) you choose (Macbeth, Autobiography study, Family History Inquiry).

C.E. 10: Handed back the Journal assignment for The Count of Monte Cristo. Continued working on the Newspaper Project.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - Act II, Scenes vii and viii. On Tuesday, I will be away, so you will have a work class for whichever ELA assignment(s) you choose (The Merchant of Venice, Independent Novel Study, Problem-Solution Essay).

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XLI. Work time for assignments - remember that your Quiz for Unit 2, Section 2 is on Thursday. On Tuesday we go to Batoche!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thursday, May 19

History 30/ELA A30: Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XL. Finished Unit 2 (Saskatchewan Rebellion, Louis Riel, The Prairies - video Sections 9-12). Your quiz on Unit 2, Part 2 will be next Thursday.

Drama 20: Contextual - finished the scene about the first day on Mars. Discussed the issue behind this contextual drama - being a refugee. On Tuesday when I am away, you will (in pairs) research the topic I assigned to you about refugees. The Canadian Encyclopedia is a great website to use.

ELA 20: Macbeth - Act III, Scenes i, ii, and iii.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice - Act II, Scenes v and vi.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday, May 18

Career Ed 8: Unit 2 - discussed Section 2 and handed in. Section 3 - worked on the Trying it Out Together activity on page 63 together - please make sure to finish the chart for next class.

ELA 20: Handed out the Macbeth Literary Analysis Essay info. The rest of the period was work time for the Character Web and other assignments. I also checked in with each student about missing assignments and progress on your Family History Inquiry and Personal Essay (we have set the due date for Friday, June 3rd).

CE 10: No class due to Mary Poppins.

ELA B10: No class due to Mary Poppins.

History 30/ELA A30: No class due to Mary Poppins.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday, May 17

History 30/ELA A30: Current Event. Sgt. John Wilson Chapter XXXIX. Finished the section on the Indian Act and started looking more at the rebellions in the West, includes video sections 6-8. We miss our class tomorrow since we'll be gone to Mary Poppins, so on Thursday we will learn about the Saskatchewan Rebellion and Louis Riel's fate (just in time to go to Batoche on Tuesday!).

Drama 20: Contextual Drama - handed in Character Profiles and Diaries. Created headlines to demonstrate what has happened on Earth since the colony group left for Mars, then started working on creating a scene in-role of the first day on Mars.

ELA 20: Macbeth Act II, Scenes iii and iv. We also decided that the essay will be written out of class. Tomorrow will be a work class for the Character Web and other assignments.

ELA B10: The Merchant of Venice Act II, Scenes iii and iv. Don't forget about the Character Web assignment.